Weight Loss Medications (Phentermine, Saxenda, Xenical, Contrave): Is the cost worth the weight regain?

It’s no secret that we are becoming increasingly heavier and heavier every year despite the billions of dollars spent on weight loss programs, supplements, and medications. People can get desperate to lose weight which can often lead to a trip to their doctor or a medical weight loss clinic for help.

Oftentimes, Primary Care Physicians are at a loss for how to help someone lose weight and will simply prescribe a weight loss medication. The top 4 medications used and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are: Contrave, Saxenda, Xenical, and Qsymia (Phentermine). There are also countless “Medical Weight Loss” programs int U.S that are run by medical staff which thrive and profit off of offering these drugs to help aid in weight loss.

Here’s the dirty little secret that keeps these programs from scrutiny: They know the medications will work…they also know that once the medications stop, the patient will most likely gain their weight back. Why don’t many of these weight regainers complain? Because they almost always blame themselves for gaining the weight back and are embarrassed or ashamed that they “fell off” the wagon. So the Weight Loss Clinic avoids being blamed or scrutinized for taking thousands of dollars for temporary weight loss.

If you are planning on spending $1,000 on a 3 month Medical Weight Loss program where they will prescribe you Phentermine and offer counseling, I beg you to reconsider. The odds of you gaining your weight back are significantly high and the odds of you getting a refund on your money are zero. Not to mention the side effects (short and long-term) that can come from taking a drug such as Phentermine. I do want to be clear, however, that most studies conclude these 4 weight loss medications are safe for the most part, my biggest argument for avoiding them is simply due to the cost and the weight regain.

As someone who works in the world of weight loss surgery, every new patient I encounter has made many attempts at weight loss, with some losing over 100 pounds either on their own or with help from these medications. The reason I am seeing them, or course, is that they have regained most or all (plus more) weight. The only way a drug or “diet” can be considered “successful” is if the weight loss remains….Lost..for good!

So you may be wondering how you can lose weight permanently without the help of these medications? There is a reason why people turn to quick and effective treatments, because losing weight is hard. Keeping it off is even harder. If you need tips on losing weight on your own or if you had weight loss surgery and need help, message me at registereddietitianmike@gmail.com and I will see if I can steer you in the right direction! Registered Dietitians are powerful allies in the world of weight loss.

Michael Murphy is an Arizona Registered Dietitian with expertise in weight loss and weight loss surgery.